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The Editor's Progress

1st December 2015 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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We are asked by many people how Bob is getting on after his operation at the Manchester Royal Infirmary, so we sent the AudlemOnline special Medical Correspondent to accompany Helen on her daily visit to the Hospital to find out. Our correspondent's report indicates that the operation itself has been deemed by the Medical staff to have been a success, and all that is left now is a lengthy and no doubt sometimes difficult period of recovery. Alas the George Clooney look has yet to emerge fully, and Bob realises that the nearest he is likely to get to the George Clooney lifestyle is the nespresso machine on his Christmas wish list.

Our correspondent arrived, in fact, at a significant point in the immediate aftermath of the operation – Bob has now been moved out of the Intensive Care Unit and onto a normal ward. He has recovered his ability to speak, and has been demanding to know how the website is progressing without him. At the same time he now has some access to on-line contact so that the peaceful period which the two acting non-commissioned editors have been enjoying is no doubt about to come to an abrupt end.

Apparently from now on there are to be two charts at the foot of Bob's bed – one, as usual, showing his temperature and the other, the more important one, showing the AoL daily readership figures. Slightly to Bob's amazement, and dare we say chagrin, it turns out that the readership figures show that the month of November (93,899 visits) was by some margin the best month so far for 2015.

Bob is looking forward, obviously, to coming home, hopefully some time in the next two weeks and resuming his role at the helm of the good ship AoL, to ensure that it continues to entertain, inform and provide a platform for discussion, and to try to help to achieve everything that the hard working volunteers are doing to make Audlem the vibrant, caring, award-winning community it is.

He is also greatly looking forward to placing his Wine Society Christmas order, and then – a true sign of recovery when it happens – drinking it.

Bob and Helen wish to thank everyone for their good wishes and offers of help.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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