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Joana Oliveira on Silver bin collection

25th May 2022 @ 10:44am

Surprise surprise!
I just got a phone call from Chris at ANSA-waste & recycling. He said that they are currently short staffed so Monday they ended up no sending the grey bin crew out. He did say it will be collected on Saturday....
Fingers crossed ;-))

Joana Oliveira on Silver bin collection

25th May 2022 @ 9:51am

Response I received this morning.... we will have to wait and see!

Dear Dr Oliveira,

Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Council yesterday; I am sorry to hear you experienced another missed collection on Monday (23/5).

Your Lane's recycling collection was missed this week due to an operational issue which prevented crew #2's wagon from being sent out on its allocated route. The Waste department are aware of this and will duly return ASAP within the first 5 working days. Please leave the grey receptacles outside and accessible in the interim.

Please also let Customer Services know by return if your recycling bin still has not been emptied by 6pm next Monday (30/5).

I hope you find this e-mail helpful. Please don't hesitate to contact us should you require further assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Chisholm
Cheshire East Council
Customer Services-Macclesfield Town Hall
C/O Municipal Buildings
Earle Street

Chris Whalley on Silver bin collection

25th May 2022 @ 9:05am

Hi Chris

Just to confirm we have received your Missed Collection report.

Please leave your missed bin accessible and we will be back to collect it within 5 working days.

Your reference number is SR2514716. You will need this if you contact us.


Waste & Recycling Team
Cheshire East Council

Please do not reply to this email.

Bin is still out, lets see whats happened if anything by Friday. I`m not holding my breath.

Hannah Platts on Climate Change

25th May 2022 @ 8:47am

With energy prices set to go up yet again to levels many can't sustain while attendees of DAVOS this week are flying in on private jets may I suggest we welcome the earths cycle warming things up a bit. Heating oil is hellishly expensive – this by the way is all by design.

The green tax on energy is pushing people into energy poverty meanwhile water levels in Sydney haven't changed in 150 years despite in the 80's climate nutters saying it would be underwater by 2010 – and in the 1970's "scientists" said we would have an ice age in 2020 and let's not forget the scientists bonkers modeling scenarios on Covid that sent the world into a frenzy and huge debt. I'll use a bit of common sense I think.

Even Joe Biden refers to hurricanes now as a result of climate change – Kansas has had hurricanes since before records began ffs. Shrewsbury flooded higher in the 1500's than it has in the past 100 years.

If you believe the hype and hysteria on climate change then I can only assume you believe the Covid Fear Porn, that Biden was voted in, that there were weapons of mass destruction and that the WEF and the WHO care about the people.

Anyone truly worried about their impact on the planet should never ever step foot in a supermarket, Should read what plant based foods consume in production, the chemicals and crops involved and then ask yourself what is better...eating chemicals and unsustainable crops or eating local and seasonal food – forget supermarkets, go to your butcher – the world has gone crackers.

Wouldn't it be weird if all this was to charge us more, have more control, discourage self reliance push us to submission and make a shed load of money??? I mean it doesn't keep me awake at night but it does make me wonder!

We are sadly at a stage where people can't afford to heat, eat and run cars.

We need to focus on home grown produce, support and shop local, reduce waste and generally make good decisions but sadly the masses are being forced into submission by lunatic leaders with their own agendas – follow the money and keep in mind that farmers and truckers run on diesel – when they can't afford to run, we don't eat!

Let's live our lives, question things, read more and not be led by the nose shall we. Maybe we should be more concerned that the NHS has the worst outcomes in the developed world yet we have to worship it like it's our new religion. Clap...clap....clap

Carol Palin on Silver bin collection

25th May 2022 @ 6:24am

It looks like the whole of Woore Road, Windmill Lane and all the streets off Windmill Lane are still awaiting the silver bin collection. I have reported on line and received the usual spiel of 'next 5 days'.

Sue Bonell on Silver bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 10:29pm

I have spoken to Cheshire East today and they have informed me that the lorry broke down yesterday,and wasnt able to finish the collections, he asked that everyone leave their bins out and they should be collected in the next few days, he was extremely helpful

Celia Bloor on Silver bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 9:21pm

I had an acknowledgement of my report of missed collection.

Chris Briggs on Silver bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 8:13pm

I rang Cheshire East today and spoke to a helpful lady who informed me that the bin folk had vehicle problems on Monday. She told me to leave the bins out and they hoped to have the bins emptied within 5 working days ! 😎�'�

Colin Cliffe on Silver bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 5:29pm

After hearing the usual excuses of, leave it out and it will be collected within 5 days, and the wagon has broken down again, when pushed, the very pleasant lady at the council reluctantly admitted that the reason the bins are not getting emptied as they should be was down to a shortage of drivers, so why do they constantly try to fob us off with utter rubbish (no pun intended).

karen WOLLASTON on Silver bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 4:23pm

Bins not emptied at Witton Close, CW3 0HZ.

Jody Morgan on Silver bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 3:01pm

Silver bins weren't emptied on Woore Rd either.

David Mansell on Cheshire East

24th May 2022 @ 1:04pm

Dear Editor, My belief in Cheshire East Council is at an all time low. Not only was our brown bin not collected as reported here recently, coupled with the fact that our silver bin has also not been collected, we also have issue with the road gully at the end of our drive. This remains over flowing with what can only be described as a rancid smelling stagnant water. This has been reported to Cheshire East not only when it was first blocked back in November 2021, but an additional 6 times! The last time being on Friday, when I was initially greeted by a young lady who did not initially realise that I was on the line and stated "I don't want a child with a Burnley accent". Clearly when she did realise that there was someone on the line the phone went dead. It appears to me that incompetence seems to be a common trait at Cheshire East Towers! Please do pass my comments to Rachel Bailey. We also live on Kettle Lane.

John Evans on Silver bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 11:58am

Silver bins not emptied yesterday on Monks Lane & Heathfield Road too.

chris dyson on AOL Directories

24th May 2022 @ 9:36am

Must be time for a clear out. A few people have tried numbers within the directories and got no response, perhaps AOL should do an audit and see if these businesses are still valid / trading

Bill Biggar on Brown Bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 8:17am

I submitted another online form but I'm quite sure that it will not make the slightest difference as previous submissions have not achieved anything. It's strange that the feedback page, shown immediately after submitting the report, doesn't work. Can't think why that should be!
Following the missed collections on 9th May, my excess garden waste was not taken as the driver informed me "we've been told not to collect any extra waste as the wagon weights are going through the roof".

Stuart Bruce on Silver bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 7:53am

Silver bins not collected on Kettle Lane. The email address for CE Customer Services is which seems to work, not which doesn't work.
Have reported using the email address and received an automatic reply saying they should respond within 5 working days.
I have also reported using the Missed Bin Collection report on CE Website but this has proven to be no more use than ornament based on past experience.

Nick Smith on Silver bin collection

24th May 2022 @ 5:54am

My sliver bid has been missed also, I live on Longhill Lane.

Chris on Care

23rd May 2022 @ 8:36pm

Hi all
I am looking for recommendations for a cleaner for my elderly parents. They are based in Buerton? I tried a couple of numbers from the directory , but no one replied.
Can anyone recommend anyone?
My mobile number is 07966 575748 if any one can help?

Celia Bloor on Brown Bin collection

23rd May 2022 @ 8:16pm

I have now used the 'report a missed collection' form.

Celia Bloor on Brown Bin collection

23rd May 2022 @ 8:10pm

Thanks to Kevin for his suggestion but when I tried it to report the silver bin not emptied today it rejected me as not on its list of allowable addresses!!!

karen WOLLASTON on Silver bin collection

23rd May 2022 @ 6:38pm

Our silver bin hasn't been collected today. Anyone else affected?

Ursula Western on Care

23rd May 2022 @ 12:04pm

Hi if anyone is looking for part time care work in audlem and can drive please give me a call
On this number 07854244455

Kevin Mellor on Brown Bin collection

21st May 2022 @ 9:31am

Colin, I suggest you send an email to We had an issue where the black and silver bins were not collected for more than 6 weeks. If you call to report a missed collection the call goes to a call centre who log it but cannot resolve the issue. Complaining to Customer Services will get a response, although it could take up to 5 days, and it will get resolved. Our bins were emptied on a Saturday morning following the mail to CECS. Normal collection day is Monday. Good luck.

pete marshall on Climate Change

21st May 2022 @ 9:03am

i enjoyed Chis Dyson's well thought out and scientifically based reply to Howard regarding climate change. However I have always unserstood that Flat Earthers were those who denied new scientific thinking, prefering to keep to the old beliefs.
We are all entitled to our beliefs. I hope yours do not lead to you being in that handcart heading for hell. I wish you good luck.

Colin Cliffe on Brown Bin collection

20th May 2022 @ 1:20pm

Well, as suspected absolutely nothing happened re the missed collection promised by lunchtime today, so having just spoken to another very friendly chap at C.E. he has assured me that the bins will be emptied today by 6pm (and he said it without laughing so it must be true). But then it got me thinking, has anyone ever seen the council refuse collectors working anywhere near 6pm, ON A FRIDAY?

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