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Anthony Pearson on Top Tips for Seniors

26th July 2024 @ 10:43am

Further to recently published comments on "Seniors". They brought to mind some thoughts on growing old made by the elderly Irish schoolmaster in Thomas Flanagan's novel "The Tenants of Time"
"The pleasures of the old are simple: rich boneless stews, a glass of wine, regular bowel movements and sleep undisturbed by the bladder."
Certainly struck a chord for me.

Debbie Race on Audlem Parish Council

26th July 2024 @ 9:25am

I'm really sorry that we have lost so many effective, community-minded people from our, previously, fantastic parish council. The points raised by people in this chat are really concerning. Not sure what I can do to help but I'm going to start attending parish council meetings and will support any action to get things sorted.

Frank Giilies on When things go well......

25th July 2024 @ 12:34pm

Following on from Stephanie's article on Village Life, this post reflects on two other important aspects of Life in Audlem.

I had an 09:45 appointment this morning at the Medical Centre (just an MOT, thanks) and at 10:41 I received a text from Boots to say my prescription was ready for collection. No IT problems today then.

Kevin Mellor on Chimney Sweep

25th July 2024 @ 9:58am

Following the earlier email about the chimney sweep attending the village, he will be in Audlem again on Monday 29th July and has appointments available. Contact Paul on 07770 973962.

Christine Hughes on Elvis tickets

24th July 2024 @ 12:21pm

Hi, does anyone have 4 spare tickets for the Elvis show at the Marina 24th August please. Left it too late to book online.
Many thanks.

Bryan Salisbury on Clothes Hangers Wanted

24th July 2024 @ 10:20am

Contact me on 01270811110

Stephanie Richardson on Top Tips for Seniors

24th July 2024 @ 9:24am

You missed out two important Top Tips, or Commandments, for seniors......

Thou shalt embrace the power of naps. For a well-rested senior is a force to be reckoned with... or at least more pleasant at dinner.

Thou shalt not worry about remembering names. If you can't recall someone's name, just call them 'Honey,' 'Dear,' or 'Mate.' It works for everyone and keeps things sweet!

Paul Barrett on Audlem Parish Council

23rd July 2024 @ 4:20pm

Following on from other posts to ChatBox, I note that the Parish Council have called a meeting for 29th July.
Looking down the agenda I was alarmed to see item 24/79(iv) on the agenda referred to the discovery of a full file containing evidence on the police investigation that is going to be handed over to the police once indexed.
My first thought was whether the police investigation has been hindered by the absence of this evidence.
My second thought was who has been in possession of this file.
Hopefully many explanations will be forthcoming on 29th from the new Chair, once elected.

Roland Turner on Audlem Parish Council

23rd July 2024 @ 12:16pm

I, along with many other residents of Audlem, agree with the recent comments published on Chatbox regarding the state of the Parish Council. It's sad that Geoff Seddon , who has contributed so much over the years felt the need to resign along with the Parish Clerk. The Turnpike Field is an asset any village would be proud of. It does however beggar belief that after five years we seem to have less transparency as to what's going on now than we had five years ago! In fact we're moving backwards as we now hear that the Turnpike working party has been suspended and the move that was supported by the majority in the village, to put Turnpike into Fields in Trust, is to be put on hold. This lack of information or transparency will only lead to more speculation. Could the issues perhaps resolve around the fact that we needed to apply for retrospective planning permission for a change of use? Do some people now consider that this, having been granted, triggers the 'claw back payment' as the land is potentially worth more with this change of use? (If not this then why do the APC need to spend a lot of money on a land agent's valuation and solicitor's fees?)

This is, of course, just speculation as we are kept in the dark and I'm sure anyone interested in Turnpike's future will have an opinion as to what's going on. The sad fact facing Audlem in the short term is, as I understand it, the lack of a venue for the Village Fete that has been so successful over the last few years. If, as I've speculated, it comes down to understanding the legal position and people's rights then surely the parties concerned could 'bury the hatchet' temporarily and a form of words be agreed to let the fete go ahead for the benefit of the village. After the fete we can all get back to what's become normal practice by APC in keeping us all in the dark over the one, probably most important issue affecting us, Turnpike Field.

Oh and one final question I would like to ask APC, are any of our councillors elected by the community they are supposed to serve or do they just co-opt each other onto the council?

Laura Dean on Help with emails

22nd July 2024 @ 10:07pm

Hi Lynda, I can probably help you if you still need it?

Vic Pomadi on Removal of signs

22nd July 2024 @ 1:03pm

The next time the absolute moron who decided to venture onto my property to damage and remove our keep off the grass signs, maybe it would be a good idea to look up at the eves and smile for the camera. I am not angry with this person I just feel very sad that they have nothing better to do in their lives and wish them luck in finding some help with their mental issues

Cheryl Cooper on Audlem Parish Council

22nd July 2024 @ 10:30am

I, along with many others, donated money to contribute towards the purchase of Turnpike Field for the benefit of the whole village. I also supported the placing of the field under the 'Fields in Trust ' protection which I understand has not yet been ratified. I am also somewhat perplexed to hear that village events are being prevented from using the field. Indeed I offered some saplings to the group who manage the field only to be told that they were not allowed to undertake any work on the field.
I served on another Parish Council for many years and the purpose of the council is to work in the best interests of the residents of that area. At the moment it appears that our interests are being disregarded and the lack of transparency is only exacerbating the issue. Parish Councils are governed by a Standards Board and I question whether there is currently any adherence to that code of behaviour. I do hope that the chairman has not been bullied out of office because that is unacceptable in any forum and , in my experience can be dealt with under the code.
Turnpike Field is a wonderful asset to the village and should continue to provide pleasure to all those who use it.

Nessa Martin on Audlem Parish Council

22nd July 2024 @ 7:51am

When is the next parish council meeting?

Brian Bugeja on Audlem Parish Council

22nd July 2024 @ 7:12am

I support Christine's statement, and as well encourage the general public from Audlem to witness some of the conversations going on in the Parish Council meetings, and to also put to account the same Parish Councillors.
I often walk away from these meetings with the feeling that the objective of some and not all of the councillors is NOT to support the community spirit with the most cost-effective, timely and within-budget solutions. For example :
- Fields in Trust topic ( 5 years and still going )
- How to control Himalayan Balsam from Turnpike Fields (A call for volunteers vs. spend spend spend on professional services...)

Geraint Davies on 60th Anniversary decorations

21st July 2024 @ 5:29pm

We have a large collection of 60th anniversary decorations, wall hung signs etc and many (30-40?) already inflated silver and white balloons bearing '60th' logo. Though the words say "60th anniversary" I would suggest that, at a pinch, that could justifiably be regarded as suitable for a 60th 'birthday' – ? It seems a shame to just dump them if there's any chance they could be used.
We would be more than happy if anyone in the near future could make use of these decorations they would be welcome to have them.

Christine Johnson on Audlem Parish Council

21st July 2024 @ 12:28pm

I too am extremely sorry that Geoff Seddon has resigned from the Parish Council. I have been attending Parish Council meetings as a member of the public for several months and in that time at least 4 parish councillors have resigned. All of them were hardworking and honest people who wanted the best for Audlem. It seems to me that there is a toxic and confrontational atmosphere from some of the current councillors, who go out of their way to bring up objections and blocking techniques about anything that common sense would allow. I would encourage people to attend parish council meetings to see what actually happens and also question the secrecy surrounding such things as the missing funds and what is happening to Turnpike Field. I am very concerned about the fact that the Turnpike Field committee has been ' temporarily disbanded' and the Fields in Trust, which the village voted for has been ' put on hold '. Why?

Eric Leeson on Audlem Parish Council

21st July 2024 @ 8:33am

Did Geoff Seddon give any reasons for his resignation and susequently walking out of the last parish council meeting. It would be good to hear from Geoff on this. Or, will the minutes of the meeting detail the action taken by Geoff Seddon??


Celia Bloor on Audlem Parish Council

21st July 2024 @ 7:26am

I would like to support Geoff Oakes comment. The Parish Council will be poorer without his years of experience.

Jackie Green on Audlem Parish Council

20th July 2024 @ 10:23pm

Can anyone enlighten me as to the reason the parish council has refused to give permission for the planned annual village fete on Turnpike Field, I see this decision coincides with the resignation of the PC chairman shortly followed the by the parish clerk .Should we be concerned ??

Geoff Oakes on Audlem Parish Council

20th July 2024 @ 11:21am

I notice that Geoff Seddon has resigned from the Parish council and following that the new clerk has also resigned.

I wanted on behalf of all Audlem residents to put on record my appreciation for all that Geoff has done to restore some pride, professionalism and vision to the work of APC. He has been entirely dedicated to the role and I know that the Parish Council will be far less effective without his presence.

Well done Geoff and thanks from us all! Enjoy your retirement!

Y Roberts on Clothes Hangers Wanted

18th July 2024 @ 5:52pm

Wooden, wire, plastic? Any or all? I have several spare.

Lynda Walker on Help with emails

18th July 2024 @ 3:28pm

Is there anyone who can help me access and receive emails on my iPhone and ipad I have just registered with talktalk and am in a mess. Thankyou

Tim Denning on Footpaths

18th July 2024 @ 9:31am

I was wondering if there has been any progress recently on the idea of a proper footpath from Audlem to Hankelow past Corbrook. The most recent mention I can find on the website is about 10 years ago.

Patricia Storey on Guttering Repair

17th July 2024 @ 10:24am

In response to your request for a recommendation for guttering repair I can really highly recommend a young man by the name of William who trades as WHS Limited. He recently replaced most of my guttering and facias, always turned up when he said he would, price sensible and a brilliant job. Friendly and polite young man, cleared up after himself and really happy with the job he did. His telephone number is 07526 563 723. Patricia Storey

J Butler on Guttering Repair

17th July 2024 @ 9:03am

Paul Threadgold 07960 451573 did a similar job for me and recommended.

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