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Stewart rose on Village Christmas trees

21st November 2022 @ 2:13am

I myself and I'm sure many of you are all gravely concerned about the climate emergency that we face. With that in mind can it really be right to chop carbon catching oxygen producing trees down then cover them in plastic covered lights ran of electric produced with fossil fuels for no other benefit than looking pretty. We must understand we are at a critical stage with saving our planet maybe we should be more concerned about that then a pretty but dead tree in the village

PAU RUN AND RIDE AUDLEM (Mathew Capper) on Couch to 5K January

19th November 2022 @ 12:16pm

With the current Couch to 5k graduation just two weeks away, We are putting the feelers out there to see if there would be enough demand to run another 10 week course starting on January the 7th every Saturday morning at 9:45AM.

If there is a positive response I can get the application in ASAP to use turnpike field again.

Please contact me via or call the shop to let us know your interest.

Again the course will be £10 for the 10 weeks and all funds going to a local charity.

Thank you kindly.

Carina Roos on Recruitment

18th November 2022 @ 1:58pm

ABC Childcare Services, on the grounds of Audlem St James (CoE) School are excited to announce that we will be having a recruitment evening on Thursday the 24th of November at 6:15pm.
If you, or anyone you know wants to come along, meet the team and have us answer any of your recruitment questions, please do come along.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Terry Aston on St Luke's Firewalk

18th November 2022 @ 1:40pm

First I'd like to wish Ralph a speedy recovery and return to front line duties
Secondly, it very decent of Ralph to offer to return people's pledges, but I hope they choose to donate the cash anyway.
Some people may not be aware that hospices only get around 10% of their funding from the government – the rest they have to generate themselves through fundraising.
It's also not commonly understood they do much more than provide end of life care. During my wife's journey with Motor Neurone Disease St Luke's provided vital support to us both, including complimentary therapies, carer support and respite care. They continue to support me after my wife's passing with bereavement support.
The staff and volunteers there are superb but times are tight for them, so please do what you can to support them.

Rachel Bailey on Airband in Audlem

16th November 2022 @ 3:51pm

Good News! Airband have emailed both me and Audlem PC suggesting a virtual meeting to discuss the works that Airband are carrying out in Audlem and the clarification required with the delivery of the fibre.

Please forward any questions/concerns; I am hopeful the meeting will be before the end of November.

marcia ellinson on aerial repair needed

16th November 2022 @ 1:59pm

thank you judy will ring him xx

Helen Measures on To whom it may concern...

16th November 2022 @ 12:50pm

Don't forget animals other than dogs will probably be relieving themselves in Turnpike Field.
A number of years ago someone in the village began spray painting poo on roads with the message "pick it up". Unfortunately on more than one occasion the offending offering was fox poo.

Billy Gibbons on How they change

16th November 2022 @ 9:47am

I think I might have got the answer to Colins puzzle but, I don't want to spoil it for other people so; Colin. I wish they would change.....location, that is! ;-)

Judy Evans on aerial repair needed

16th November 2022 @ 9:18am

I recommend Tim at Astro Aerials – 07751 041156. Reliable, tidy and not too heavy with the pen !

Adriana Roscoe on To whom it may concern...

16th November 2022 @ 8:05am

Judy is right: there are people who believe it is perfectly acceptable to let their dogs poo in Turnpike because 'it's a field '. I watched a family group the other day nonchalantly walking by as their dog relieved itself. Naturally, I (politely, I thought) drew their attention to this but they thought I was being rude. Note to self: improve dog-poo warden skills.

Chris Whalley on Green Lane flooding

16th November 2022 @ 7:37am

It was certainly flooded yesterday (15/11/2022) in the usual place i.e., the old railway bridge.

Norman Huntbach on Green Lane flooding

16th November 2022 @ 7:19am

It's quite a simple formula to calculate if Swanbach Ford is running high. If it is or has been raining then it is. If it has rained a lot the CE Highways will again close the road at even more expense to them and all road users. I intend to submit a FOI request as to how much the refusal to repair one broken pipe has so far cost us taxpayers.

marcia ellinson on aerial repair needed

15th November 2022 @ 12:17pm

hi my aerial has stopped working does anyone know someone local i can call thank you marcia

Christina Lawson on Green Lane flooding

15th November 2022 @ 9:26am

Please could someone tell me whether Green Lane is currently flooded (or about to be)?

Judy Evans on To whom it may concern...

15th November 2022 @ 7:41am

Hi Ian – unfortunately there are some (thankfully rare) dog owners (we call them the "entitled classes") who think it is perfectly acceptable to allow their dog(s) to run loose on the field while they are busy on their mobile phones and / or sit on the picnic benches admiring the view- and have clearly no intention of clearing up any dog mess their animal may produce. Often the same people who announce "oh it's OK -my dog is harmless" after they finally notice their dog is harassing my rescue dog (on a lead) who is clearly NOT OK with unwanted attention. Sometimes it's the same people who think it is perfectly acceptable to bring their dogs to 'toilet' on the village playing field !? Or take their dog into the cemetery walking past the large NO DOGS sign – why ? Because they are entitled of course.

Anthony Pearson on Audlem/Times

14th November 2022 @ 12:51pm

Don't see Audlem getting a mention in "The Times" too often but there we are on p21 today in an article about the growing trend for "sharing" menus.
Linden Stores is featured complete with photo though the author of the report does admit that "The Observer" was first to interview the co-owner of the restaurant.

Ian Reynolds on To whom it may concern...

13th November 2022 @ 8:34am

To whom it may concern.
My 4 year old Grandson and myself do not appreciate your dog faeces being left on Turnpike field.
I appreciate that dogs are fun; chasing sticks, balls etc... and being a dog owner is relatively easy.
However being a RESPONSIBLE dog owner takes slightly more effort. But please try it.....

Catherine parker on Kids ear piercing

12th November 2022 @ 11:34pm

A needle, ice cube and wine bottle cork. Worked for me 43 years ago....

Andrew Carr on Tractor Mounted Hedge Cutting

12th November 2022 @ 11:06am

Could anybody please recommend a contractor in the area that provides a tractor mounted hedge cutting service?

Many thanks :-)

Russell Banks on Art installation

12th November 2022 @ 11:04am

Very impressed with the Art work and would definitely like to see more.
I imagine the challenge however is community buy-in, identifying acceptable locations and then acquiring further suitable work. However as I understand it, there are thriving Art groups and a number of individual Artists in Audlem. Thus perhaps the latter point can be addressed in conjunction with this existing community??

Nick Smith on Kids ear piercing

12th November 2022 @ 10:21am

Can anyone recommend a reliable SAFE person to pierce a teenager ears?

Sharon Parker on Village chippy

12th November 2022 @ 9:40am

Just to let people know the phone line at the chippy isn't working at the moment , so we are unable to take your telephone orders ,.Hopefully be sorted Monday

Mathew on Contact information

12th November 2022 @ 9:16am

Does anyone have the contact in enquire about hiring the Scout Hall on Cheshire street?

Thanks in advance

Billy Gibbons on Fireworks

12th November 2022 @ 7:52am

In Angela's post regarding Adderley Traffic Lights she mentioned 'predictive txt's'. Well, by pure coincidence; the man that came up with the concept of predictive txt's died last week and if anyone wishes to attend, his Funfair is next Monkey.

colin cliffe on Adderley traffic lights

11th November 2022 @ 6:58pm

I think maybe the police were in attendance because they have been tipped off that there has been a serious crime committed, namely some complete numpty in authority has allowed over £70000 to be spent on a set of temporary traffic lights that are obvious;y not needed as the traffic flowed perfectly well today. It's unbelievable that a cash-strapped council can waste such vast sums of money without being accountable. That money could have been used for instance to let an empty Go-Too bus drive around aimlessly for nearly 7 months, I dispair.

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