A serious incident took place at a local pub on Monday 26th October and it has left the landlord wondering just how serious it has to be to get the police to attend and take statements.
With the pub full of people enjoying themselves, a man and a woman who had apparently already had too much to drink, were ejected by the landlord. Several minutes later they drew up outside the pub in a car. The man threw a sign at the window, followed by a chair which broke the glass and showered people seated inside with glass. Thankfully, no-one was injured – but they could have been. They were certainly very shocked.
As the car sped away quick-witted regulars took the car's registration and over the phone gave a full description to the police of the car, its make, colour and model as well as a description of the occupants – and also the name of the man involved. At the same time, another regular in the bar (who had previously been associated with West Mercia police) called his ex-colleagues and asked them to try and stop the car. Unfortunately they were unable to do so and the suspects got away.
The main issue as far as the landlord is concerned is not that the incident itself occurred, but that so far the local police appear to have done nothing about it. They were unable to send someone round on the evening of the event to take statements, because they were busy in Nantwich, and they still haven't called round to speak to the landlord and other witnesses. How can this be?
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