There's a new Forum topic on Audlem Online from a potential future resident of Audlem, who says:
“Hi all. I'm hoping to move to Audlem soon and wondered if you could let me know if my feelings about the village are correct.
I'm currently in Shavington, which, lovely as it is, is neither village nor town. I like that Audlem seems to have a good community feel. It appears to be friendly, and it's nice to walk along the canal, surrounded by nature, but feel entirely safe. It seems that people look after their homes and are proud of their town – would that be correct? I also like that it has the feel of somewhere you'd go on holiday and think to yourself, "I wish I lived here."
I popped into the cafe this morning for a coffee, then bought a magazine in the paper shop and then dropped into the church toddler group and found every person encountered very friendly indeed.
Am I looking at the village through rose-tinted glasses as an outsider or is it really as nice as it seems?
And do you have any recommendations for areas to look for property in? We've a one year old daughter, so somewhere within a mile of the village but with pavements all the way would be essential.
We've spotted a lovely looking property in Copthorn Drive – any experiences of that part of town?”
Click on the Forum section and do have your say.
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