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'Walking the Bounds' of The Longhill Moss.

24th December 2023 @ 6:06am – by George Mclaren-Brown
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'Walking the Bounds' of The Longhill Moss.

moss map

On the 24th Day of June 1980 at Chester The Commons Commissioners granted to Audlem Parish, Nantwich and Crewe Borough Councils the area of Common Land known as Blackwater Moss now renamed The Longhill Moss.

The acreage of 8.179 acres which consisted of 4.2 acres of grassland. The remaining area was moss, gorse, hillocks and flooded woodland.

Audlem Parish Council were tasked to rent the grassland to provide an income which was to be held in a ring fenced account for the purpose of maintenance of this Common Land. In return The Commons Commissioners granted to the residents of the village of Audlem the right to walk the boundaries of the grassland every year between the 26th to the 30th of December.

Should any residents wish to walk the bounds a location map and information sheet are available at Williams Newsagents.

Many thanks again Judy. What would Audlem do without you?

The area can be accessed between the hours of 10am to 12am and 1pm to 3pm.

Parking please on the grass verge opposite the grass field.

Pedestrian Access through the field gateway

Footwear. Wellies

Dogs on leads with responsible owners are welcome.

It would be appreciated if residents who have completed the walk around the boundaries of the grass field would please e-mail the clerk thus recording a yearly headcount of how many residents have walked the Bounds at;

Should any residents require more information please do not hesitate to get in touch at


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