With exactly 200 votes cast so far, those saying 'Yes' to the Vote Poll question "Should dogs be kept on a lead on the canal towpath?" have a slight advantage. But it's close with 105 in favour, 93 against and 2 'unsure'. The voting has swung both ways during the past two weeks and the letters in local newspapers and messages on the Audlem Online Forum on the subject show what an emotive issue this is.
If you haven't yet voted, you can do so by selecting Yes/No or Unsure in the Vote Poll section of the Homepage and then clicking on 'Vote Now'.
And remember that last month's Vote Poll on whether Audlem should be an 'alcohol exclusion zone' was voted against by a majority of just one vote out of over 330 cast. So your vote really can make a difference. Audlem Parish Council has sent the results of that vote poll to Crewe & Nantwich Borough Council as part of their response to the consultation. With the dogs issue, this too is part of a C&NBC consultation on its proposed Dog Control Orders.
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