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Village Memorial Service

22nd October 2020 @ 6:06am – by Ann Draper
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Village Memorial Service 1st November at 4pm via Zoom

It has been a particularly difficult year for many with the disruption Covid 19 has caused to funerals and saying goodbye to loved ones. Sadly, this is still the case and we have had to make the decision to hold our annual Memorial Service online via Zoom. We cannot accommodate the numbers involved of all those who might wish to attend in any of our churches at present. We realise this will be less than ideal for some of you but we have to work within the guidelines given and adapt as best we can. One advantage of being online is that family and friends who live further away will still be able to join the service if they wish.

During the service names of those who have died will be read out. It would be helpful to us to have any names to be read out emailed to by at the latest Tuesday 27th October. Also if you wish to join the service please let us know by the same date via the above email address and, a few days prior to the service, we will respond to your email with the service sheet, the Zoom link, ID and password to connect to the service on 1st November.

Because some of you may not be comfortable with any type of service online, we are also opening St James Church between 1.30 and 3.30pm on 1st November so that individuals can simply light a candle and leave. People will be there to guide you and help between these times. There is no need to book but you may have to wait if it is busy. Please be aware that the church will only be open during these times for this simple act of remembering.

Anne Draper on behalf of the village churches.

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