One of the shops that experienced a surge of interest during the late-night Festive Evenings was Village Feeds in the Square. Today, with only two shopping days left before Christmas, Audlem Online continues its look at village retail businesses with, yes, an ode!
An Ode To Village Feeds, Audlem
In these days of credit plight
Let Audlem's shops take up the fight
We're here to help and serve your needs
Like our tiny shop called "Village Feeds"
We've everything for your dog and cat
And there's something for that problem rat
The garden birds that sing so sweet
We've everything for them to eat
Mixes, berries, nuts and seeds
It's all in stock at "Village Feeds"
Small animals too, are not forgot
From treats to hutches we've got the lot
And if a horse is your faithful friend
We've hay and bedding and a choice of blend
And should your garden get problem weeds
We can sort that too at "Village Feeds"
Our prices are keener than the big stores or the vet
And according to customers beat the old internet
But should you have a problem and can't get to the shop
Then give me a call and we'll arrange a home drop
It's all part of the service we want you to share
"Village Feeds" is the shop that knows customer care
I hope this little ditty explains what we do
For our shop's here in Audlem for local people like you
And whether we know you, or don't know you yet
Just pop in and see us, and a warm welcome you'll get
So next time you're shopping, for things that you need
Think of us all here in Audlem, and our shop "Village Feeds".
With many thanks to Alan & Rachel Brown of Village Feeds. The Village Feeds shop in the Square in Audlem is now open every morning, Monday to Saturday, from 9.00am until 12.30pm. If mornings are inconvenient to any customers, please call Alan on 07870 211154 so that alternative collection arrangements can be made.
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