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Update – Adderley Footpaths

3rd January 2023 @ 6:06am – by Peter Kay
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On the 1st January 2022 Audlem Online carried my report that the Planning Inspectorate had confirmed the continuation of the footpaths from Bagley Lane to the canal and past Pool House to Adderley village.

Little did I think that a year later the paths have still not been fully restored by Shropshire. There has been recent progress and both paths now have waymarked kissing gates through the one field boundary past the Cheshire border.

However the route to the canal towpath and beyond remains firmly blocked at the canal bridge. I suspect that the unhappy owners of the Pool House area have not made things easy for the footpath maintenance team. There has already been one complaint when walkers, following the waymarked path, arrived at the blocked gate.

Hopefully ,with all fingers crossed, this problem will soon be sorted.

Peter Kay

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