The third day of the Audlem Music Festival today, Sunday, starts with Jim Kirkpatrick performing in Blues Alley from 2.00pm. There's three hours of outdoor music too outside the Methodist Church, starting at 2.30pm, including Dead Moon Society from 2.30pm and then the amazing Carly B's Awesome Funk Collective. At 6.00pm, continuing the outdoor theme, there'll be a performance by the Day Star Theatre on the Wharf at the Shroppie Fly.
One of the highlights for many on Sunday evening will be the St James' School Performance at St James' Church, starting at 7.30pm. This was packed out last year.
In the pubs, the Lord Combermere has a full evening of entertainment from 6.00pm with first the Tim Disney Duo – outstanding harmonica playing backed by acoustic guitar – at 6.00pm. That's followed by John Gunstone & Al Dean at 7.30pm – piano and acoustic guitar and vocals – and then Twin Frets at 9.00 with bebop, blues and beyond.
The Shroppie Fly will host Bob On Our Side from 9.00 while The White Lion at Hankelow has Dave Manning playing rock and soul throughout the day.
You can now reach the special Audlem Festival website by clicking just above the Calendar of Events section on the homepage of Audlem Online. The Festival site gives you all the details of what's on over the Bank Holiday weekend in Audlem.
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