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Tit boxes hit speedsters

1st April 2010 @ 6:06am – by Audlem Webteam
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An Audlem manufacturing plant has seen sales of of its yellow birdboxes soar since research showed that the boxes, suiatbly located, reduce traffic speeds by an average of 8.67 mph.

The boxes have a remarkable, but purely coincidental, similarity to speed cameras and have proved particularly attractive to great tits and blue tits.

These species have been well served by bird boxes in back gardens but front gardens, particularly next to main roads, have until now seen fewer bird boxes installed.

Placed strategically by a front garden fence, the little hole the birds use to access their nest does, the company admits, look like the business end of a speed camera. To avoid confusion and to emphasise these really are bird boxes, the company's yellow boxes are called Tits R'Us.

As company managing director, Avril Start says: "This name has raised our profile but, honestly, the young tits find our nesting boxes a perfect first home. We want our birds to find their way home easily and bright yellow has been proved to work best."

The research into the reduction of traffic speeds near the bird boxes was carried out by the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit.

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