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A third Open Letter

29th October 2014 @ 8:08am – by Lynne Smith
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Last week, after AudlemOnline published Ralph Warburton's Open Letter, we invited other contributions from anyone interested in the issue of taking over the playing field, car park etc.

Ex-parish councillor and ex-chair of the Parish Council Bill Consterdine responded yesterday and today we are pleased to publish Lynne Smith's views, just as we will happily publish other contributions on this important issue.

Please email if you wish to have your say.

Lynne Smith says

First of all may I applaud the excellent letter from Mr Consterdine regarding the playing field, children' play area, car park etc.

We are so fortunate to live in a lovely place where hardworking people give their time and labour freely to put on events and run clubs which make it the vibrant and caring village that it is but these organisations are struggling with rising insurance costs, health and safety costs etc and now a charge to use the field by Cheshire East will, I am sure, put an end to some of these events and clubs.

All of these bring people into the village who visit the shops, cafes and pubs in the village which is vital for their survival.

But it is more than this, the community spirit generated by these events make Audlem an enviable place to live.

The amount for the upkeep of the playing field, car park etc for the villagers would be small but the reward of families and villagers continuing to enjoy these events and clubs in the future is priceless.

I would hate to hear in a few years' time villagers reminiscing about the events that used to be in Audlem so please attend the meeting on Thursday and persuade the Parish Council that the field, car park etc., should belong to Audlem.

Lynne Smith

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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