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TAVA success and AGM

2nd November 2009 @ 12:12pm – by Anne Burrows
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TAVA would like to thank everyone who made the visit from Spike Theatre for hoof! Junior on 24th October such a great experience.

Year 5 and Year 6 at Audlem school had a fantastic time in their workshops and feedback about the show has been very positive. It includes:

"I think it was great" Sasha Y4
"It was really funny" Eddie Y6
"It was totally cool" James Y4
"I would love to see it again" Owen Y4
"It was super – and just a bit weird" Emily Y4
"Great!" Pippa Y4
"I really enjoyed the bit where they lost the script" Georgie Y4

And from the adults:
"Very funny and professional"
"Great improvisation"
"Very engaging, fun and funny"
"Liked the jazz music"
"Very very clever"


Touring Arts Visiting Audlem (TAVA) is a small and friendly group of parents. We host two professional arts events each year aimed at children and their families, and organise workshops for children.

We are part of the Cheshire Rural Touring Network and are a 'not for profit' group. Any proceeds from events go in to funding future TAVA events.

If you would like to know more, do come and talk to us in the schoo; playground or contact us: Anne Burrows 812442 (">;Janet Warrington 811250 (">

TAVA's AGM is this Wednesday, 4th November, at 8.00pm in the Lord Combermere

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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