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Sustainability in Audlem

18th November 2009 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Parish Council
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Some time ago, the Audlem Parish Council was very concerned about the sustainability of the village, so much so it was decided to undertake a complete review of the village.

In particular it was very important to the review that the people in the village had the opportunity to express their views in detail.

Most of the village will by now have received a questionnaire (on yellow paper so you can easily recognise it) and we would urge everyone to take the opportunity to complete it and return it by 1st December. It is important that the Parish Plan team and Parish Council learn of your views and suggestions regarding our village.

Following the analysis, there will a village meeting at which the results will be discussed and you again will have the opportunity to voice your opinions.

New BusinessesAs a Parish Council we are delighted to have three new businesses opening in the old Phoenix building and wish the owners every success, and a most sincere thank you for choosing our village in which to site your businesses.

Also, we extend a big welcome to the new landlords and their family at the Lord Combermere and to Chester's Hairdressers.

When you look around Audlem there cannot be many villages our size in the country that have the facilities that Audlem enjoys. It is essential we all support them and ensure their success.

VolunteersThen there are two very special teams of volunteers who normally go unnoticed except when we need them. They are the Fire Service and the First Responders.

The latter are now up to nine fully trained members. Should anyone like to join either service, please contact them and you will find a friendly bunch of people only too pleased to talk with you.

RoadsThe Parish Council is working hard to resolve ongoing problems involving the state of the roads – in particular Shropshire Street, which is still awaiting the drains on the Muller site to be attended to.

There are numerous pavements and pathways around the village that require urgent attention too. The Parish Council has established two groups to pursue these matters, (one for roads and one for footpaths) which will entail health & safety reports to enforce our demands to Cheshire East Council to undertake the necessary repairs.

As for the A525 and the Hydro Scheme, we have been promised by both Central Government Departments concerned that they would respond to our correspondence, which is now some three months old, by 29th October 2009.

CanalMost of you are aware the Shropshire Union Canal has been closed for repairs. This has had a tremendous negative effect on our local businesses. However, thankfully the canal has now re-opened.

One thing that has emerged from this event is that people have realised just how much our village relies on tourism. To help you appreciate the extent of this we would point out that during the canal closure there was an estimated drop of some 12,500 tourists visiting the village.

Therefore it is important for all us to bear this in mind, and it is for us all to ensure that our village maintains and builds on its reputation for the future.

Audlem Parish Council

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