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Superfast Broadband

7th October 2010 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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As many contributors to chatbox have pointed out, there is an opportunity on the BT website to "vote" for Audlem to be provided with Superfast broadband. The implication is that if enough Audlem residents "vote" for the Superfast service, then Audlem will be moved up the queue for it to be installed.

One strongly suspects that the superfast service, when available, will cost more than the existing one, but it may be that a spin-off will be that the slower speed services will actually achieve the speeds they are supposed to.

To vote to get this service
  • click here" rel="nofollow">click here to get onto the BT "race to infinity" page. You have to enter your postcode into the box in the centre of the screen and click "go".
  • On the next page click on "skip intro" at the bottom right hand corner to avoid a long boring bit.
  • The next screen has Audlem in the centre, a note of how many votes have been cast so far and a "vote now" button at the top right – click on this.
  • The next screen asks if you are a BT customer – click on yes or no accordingly.
  • The next screen asks you to enter your landline number, your postcode (again!) and select whether you are a business or residential user – then click on "go"
  • The system will only acccept one vote per landline number, so once you have voted from a particular landline number, you will get a message indicating that a vote has already been cast.
#BT publicity"Over the next five years BT is rolling out superfast fibre optic broadband across the UK. If you're not on the announced roll out plan The Race to Infinity gives you the opportunity to fast track your area to get BT Infinity next.

The five areas with the largest percentage of votes by December 31st 2010 will win the chance to bring superfast broadband to their area. BT will also donate £5,000 of computer equipment to a local community project.

Whether you're big on social networking, gaming, streaming, uploading or downloading, prepare to have your life transformed with superfast speeds."

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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