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Short-ARS on Saturday

29th August 2013 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Tony Crowther will lead the Short-ARS walk on Saturday.

The walk will be a local Audlem route – leave Audlem Car Park at 09:30am – return by 1.00pm (latest). The distance is 5.5 – 6 Miles maximum.

The walk takes in Browns Bank, Newtown, Wilkesley, Heywood, Cox Bank and back to Audlem via the canal.

Terrain: Canal Tow Path, fields, village footpaths, main road, footpaths, farm drives, grassland, country lanes, narrow village lanes via Cox Bank and return via canal towpath.

Vegetation: Grass, field beans, maize, rape stubble, wheat, wheat stubble and crossing the gushing Duckow River which feeds the Weaver

Birds: Skylark, Buzzard, Swallow, Heron Curlew, Swift etc

Even though this is a very flat walk there are tremendous views.

Rating: 3 carpet slippers

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