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Shopping locally at Williams newsagents

17th December 2008 @ 9:09am – by Audlem Webteam
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Over recent weeks, Audlem Online has featured local shops in Audlem. The range of goods that can be bought in the village is now higher than for many years. New shops have opened, others have expanded. With fuel costing a small fortune, and parking charges in Nantwich, Crewe, Market Drayton etc, there's every reason to look at what's on offer locally. Shopping locally makes more sense than ever.

We return today to the oldest local business – Williams Of Audlem – a family run business since 1862!

Williams' is open from 5.30am EVERYDAY!

Gifts and toys – wooden dolls' houses and furniture (both traditional & contemporary) for adults & children, wooden toys, baby gifts, diaries & calendars (plain and feature), walking & cycling books/ guides & maps, ladies' & mens' fancy goods, stocking fillers, Christmas decorations.

Audlem products: Christmas cards, notelets, tea towels, stationery items, old photographs & prints etc. The Audlem tea towels make a fabulous gift that's easy to post around the world.

Selection of Stationery items – gift wrap, occasion & general cards, gift cards, envelopes, Blue (&white ) Tack, drawing pins, cellotape, notebooks, writing paper, scrapbooks, computer paper etc. NEW for 2008 – ask about our gift wrapping service!

Ex-rental DVD & VHS sales.

Extensive range of magazines and newspapers – including Christmas TV guides – magazine & newspaper orders for Christmas welcome! Tokens and newspaper subscriptions happily accepted. We order those hard-to-get specialist titles! Home deliveries within the central Audlem area.

Winter essentials – good quality coal (household and smokeless), sticks and firelighters, de-icer & anti freeze, umbrellas, cough sweets and lip balm, hot water bottles, bedsocks, hats, gloves & scarves, batteries (including extensive selection of watch batteries (and we fit them for you, if required!), bicycle lights, torches, candles etc.

DIY, haberdashery & household basics – mops, buckets, brushes, foil, brushes, jam pot covers, cake boards, tea towels, bottle/can openers, corkscrews, kitchen towels, nappies, masking tape, picture hooks, mousetraps, nails, washers, fuses, white spirit, putty, wallpaper paste, cotton, threads, hemming web, needles, safety pins. You name it...try us first – we could save you a journey!

Tourist information – leaflets and internet access to Audlem Online!

We bet some items on that list are a big surprise – there's simply hundreds of reasons to shop in Audlem.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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