This last week has shown me that Audlem community are able to be resilient and resourceful throughout these uncertain times. I have smiled at all the fantastic emails I am still being sent with some budding chefs, gardeners, sports men and women as well as new artists. I know I keep on saying it but I am extremely proud to be the head of the school and even though I have only been at the helm for a few months I feel that the school community is even closer than it ever has been as we are helping each other.
I would like everyone within our school community to stand together and help those who are on their own or self isolating by writing them a letter or email that could be posted on our website or Audlem Online. I hope that we can be the beating heart of the village by helping the community come together and help people within the village by making them smile.
I know that Year 6 got their hoodies this week and I saw lots of children smiling and being proud of wearing them through the emails that were sent to me. The year 6 class have been outstanding this year and have shown maturity beyond their years. I have seen them grow and develop into ambassadors for the school over the year by them being role models to encouraging other children in school to 'let their Light Shine. I know that you are all worried and disappointed about not knowing if you will have a leaver assembly or party of some kind but I can reassure you that this will happen at some point this year as myself and all teachers will want to give you a proper send off to high school.
At the current time, we still don't know when we will return as a school – in the meantime we will endeavour to carry on communicating with you and ensuring that you are informed. Take care, look after yourselves and remember, some of us are still in school if you need support, help or advice.
The full Newsletter including the challenge can be seen by clicking on the pdf file below the photo
A Perry
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