What can I say now twelve months have passed since the first lockdown was put into place? What a twelve months it
has been! This time last year we couldn't possibly have envisaged what the next twelve months would look like.
I remember thinking when schools closed that it would only be for a couple of weeks and after the Easter holiday we could start to return to normality. How wrong I was! We all hope that we never see another year like the last one but today I have been reflecting on the positive things that have come out of the last year.
I honestly believe we have become a far stronger school than we were before, due to the community spirit and'togetherness' which has helped us along the rocky path of the last twelve months. Your support over the last year hasbeen fantastic, and very much appreciated – we would have struggled to manage the situation without this so thankyou!!
I've also reflected on the outstanding charity work that some of our pupils have been involved in over the last year – truly inspiring!
The development of our IT skills is another major plus point as all staff have discovered. Whilst we
never want to return to full time remote learning the staff and pupils have developed skills that will certainly enhance our future provision.
I do feel very positive at the moment.
Four weeks ago, we saw all our children return to on-site education and it has been wonderful – attendance has been extremely high so thank you for that too. We are getting excited about the summer term and are hopeful that we can very soon start to plan some of our usual events such as Sports Day.
Further information about these things will follow shortly after the Easter break. I hope that you all have a wonderful Easter where you are now able to see friends and family and be together whilst keeping to the guidelines that the government have set out.
I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 19th April.
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