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Runners support First Responders

30th June 2009 @ 7:07am – by Debbie Ruscoe-Icke
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John Smith, Moffatts Financial Planning; Jonathan Tew, Bridgemere Nursery & Garden World, and Dan Whittaker, Bentley Motors Ltd, Crewe are running the City Of Manchester 10K on Sunday 5th July, 9.30am starting and finishing at The Regional Athletics Arena, Eastlands. The Lord Mayor of Manchester is doing the honours at the start, with approximately 2,000 runners taking part.

The three are kindly donating funds raised from sponsorship to The Audlem Community First Responders.

A friend of the three runners who is currently undergoing training with NWAS to join the four-strong team already active within Audlem and the surrounding areas, approached John, Dan and Jonathan to ask for support of the group, to which they agreed without hesitation.

We would like to wish them and all the other runners, raising money for lots of good causes, all the best for Sunday. Good luck lads and thank you very much for choosing to support the team.

Anyone wishing to sponsor them in this event can contact us via the contact button on the website and we will pass on your details.

Further details on the 10K race can be found at:

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