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The "Royal" poet in our midst

30th November 2012 @ 7:07am – by Ralph Warburton
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Regular readers will recall the letter received by local resident Jessie from Buckingham Palace and the promise that she would allow me to send one of her works to appear on the web site.

Well here is a new one – written after a journey to London and being on the Tube and all that that entails.  Title 'Observations' it is a view of the world we have today.

By Jessie 

Where have all the smiles gone?
What has happened to conversations?
Never get a letter?
Join the club! 

No buzz of chatter on a bus
No trivial talk on a train
Just fellow travellers in a trance
As if in another world. 

Ear plugs settled in their place
With trailing wire attached
Mobile ‘phones at the ready
Eyes peering at the screen
Thumbs poised- texting
To whom and to where
It makes no odds. 

We all know the world is changing
And progress is the way
But there was once a day
When passengers looked up
Smiled, nodded and spoke! 

Perhaps I’m old fashioned – thinking this way
But a smile costs nothing and a nod is free
It would make such a difference
To the likes of me.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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