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Ready to party?

28th June 2017 @ 6:06am – by ASET team
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Dear Party go-ers,

We're now truly on countdown to this year's Party on the Park ' and we hope you're as excited as we are!

Now we don't mean to be a bore, but we feel it's important to let you know a bit more about the arrangements between now and Saturday, plus some health and safety guidance, so that we can all have lots of fun but 'safely'!

Car park

The main car park in the village will be used on Thursday and Friday by ASET, portable toilets are being delivered along with some heavy equipment, stage, fencing and crowd barriers, so please try to park elsewhere if possible and definitely please don't block entrances to the playing field. The car park will be closed all day on Saturday so please don't leave your vehicles overnight on Friday. Sorry for the inconvenience but ASET will endeavour to minimise disruption to village life.

Event parking

The field just off Green Lane has been allocated as a car park this year, so on Saturday please do try to use this. The village will be very busy, so if you have to park in the village, please do so courteously by ensuring that you do not block neighbours driveways or make the roads impassable by parking where you shouldn't.

Event etiquette

Please ensure you bring your tickets, these will be exchanged for a wristband this year to help with increased security. We have children's wristbands that parents can put their phone numbers on in case of emergency ' but parents, your children are your responsibility and must be supervised.

Volunteer stewards and security guards will be supporting the event.

First Aiders will be onsite.

A curry house from Whitchurch is coming along, they'll also be ice cream and the coffee man!

Please drink responsibly

This is a family friendly event!

Please do your best to collect up your rubbish when you leave, ASET will supply bin bags to each party and Cheshire East deliver extra bins, plus we order a skip too!

We hope you have a fantastic time on Saturday ' 80s mania awaits you!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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