AudlemOnline has received several chatbox entries recently which we have chosen not to publish.
They are from anonymous sources, who do not even give their proper e-mail addresses, never mind their proper names. That is one of the reasons for publishing this article, since there is no other way of getting in touch with them directly.
The questions they put are about the Parish Council and to some extent about individual councillors – our policy is that such questions should be properly addressed to the Parish Council itself, if only out of normal politeness.
This could be done by an e-mail to the parish clerk or by attending the public forum that is there for the purpose before each Parish Council meeting.
However much this may lead to accusations of bias, pusillanimity (now there's a good word for a Saturday), cowardice or whatever, we refuse to allow AudlemOnline to be used as a sounding board for those who wish to hide behind anonymity.
John Tilling – Chairman & Editor.
Alvar Jones – Chief Editor
John Down – Editor
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