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Progress on Church Roof Appeal

4th August 2013 @ 6:06am – by Peter Ellis
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In 2010 thieves stole some of the lead from the North Aisle roof necessitating temporary repairs. Alternative materials (hopefully less attractive to thieves) have been found and planning consents obtained from English Heritage, but the work itself will cost some £26,500. There is no magic government fund to pay for this, so the money can only be raised through the community.

Raise the Roof

The appeal to raise the £26,500 to pay for the repairs was launched in March 2013 and has so far raised a total of £11,089 from the various events listed below

General Funds Raised £5618
Sponsored Walk £2650
Bingo Night £750
Coffee Morning £836
Concert £134
Quix £262
Smartie Box Collection £556 ongoing
James Book Sale £181 (after costs-more books on order)
Cream Teas £102

We hope to start work by end August so we still have some distance to go


We would be most grateful for any contribution large or small you are able to make . For those who are tax payers please consider signing a Gift Aid declaration which would enable us to recover an additional 25 pence for every pound given. Cheques should be made payable to Audlem PCC.

Donations may be sent to:

Rev H Chantry
The Vicarage,
66 Heathfield Rd,

For further information you can contact any of the following:

WardenMrs. J Tarrant01270 811779
WardenMr P Ellis01270 812227
TreasurerMr A Draper01270 812960

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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