About 127 homes were affected by loss of power between 6:00 and 7:00am on a couple of mornings a few days ago.
The system kicked in and power was restored a few seconds later. However we called to report the problem, which unless someone does, the fault cause is not remedied. It is only when one submits a complaint does it get high enough up the chain for an investigation.
It turns out that broken ceramic equipment was allowing water ingress causing a short circuit.
18th August 5am. I awoke to the sound of a large bang, followed by a power cut which left us in the dark, followed by the sound of fire crackers? It was that sound that got me out of bed. Looking through the landing window I could see a very bright orange glow coming from the back of the house. I made sure Chris and Winnie (the dog) were out of the house before I went to investigate.
The main power line (11000volts) had broken away from the pole and was snaking across the ground, The end of the wire was sparking and blown a hole in the oil line setting the oil alight. I switched the oil valve off and stamped on the flames and put them out, at this point the cable had lost its spark. I found a wooden chair and pushed the wire out of harms way.
After I phoned the fire brigade and the power company I went around the front of the house and waited for the services, it was then I noticed the wire at high level across the road resting on the telephone cable. It then hung down on to a metal gate, across the footpath and over our fence. Knowing this could be a problem for a large fire engine I ran under the wire and stopped the approaching vehicle. After everyone was satisfied the area was safe and the power back on I replaced the defective oil line. All in all everything went smoothly.
(Ed- good grief, Peter, we would hate to be involved in anything you class as a real emergency!)
We had two fire appliances three Scottish Power vans and a first responder vehicle. The first responder was called because I had two very small tingles up my arm, from the oil valve and the wooden chair. Fortunately I was given a clean bill of health.
It's very rare a power cable drops from the sky and I certainly would not recommend anyone repeating my actions.
Apparently the power cables from the village to our pole had been installed in the fifties whilst the one that had snapped was comparatively new.
SP Networks need householders to call if there is a problem so they can act otherwise faults will continue to be causing problems as winter approaches.
The number to call is 0800 001 5400
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