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Please give us our ball back

1st October 2021 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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This was originally received at AudlemOnline as a chatbox entry, but we think it is of sufficient importance to feature as an article.

At around 6pm on Wednesday evening some young kids were playing on the playing field with a brand new football (worth about £30) which had been given to one of them as a birthday present.

Some older boys wearing black trackies and hoodies, thought to be from year 11 Brine Leas, approached and stole the football and rode off on their cycles, laughing and joking about it.

The young owner of the ball was distraught after his brand new birthday present was stolen from him.

We (AoL) have advised the reader who reported this to contact the local police, but meanwhile if anyone comes across an unexplained brand new football, this might be where it has come from, and the young owner would like it back........please.

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