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Parish Plan consultation

29th October 2010 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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A reminder that the draft copy for the 2010 Audlem Parish Plan is now available on Audlem Online – click on the link below the photo – and printed copies are available in the Post Office and Williams' newsagents.

The 2010 Plan is a follow-up to the 2005 Parish Plan and has been produced by a team of almost fifty volunteers.

The Plan is available for consultation by the public until mid-November when the fully designed version, with photographs and printed in colour, will be produced and, in early December, distributed to households in Audlem Parish.

Funding for printing has been provided by a grant from Cheshire East via Cheshire Community Action.

The draft now available includes the ideas from working groups; proposals and commentary on local governance and law & order; Action Plans covering the next five years to ensure as many proposals as possible are carried out; and the results of the survey late last year of local residents and students from Audlem at Brine Leas school.

If you wish to make a comment about anything in this draft parish plan, please contact any member of the steering group – Judy Benson; Bob Cartwright (chair); Roland Hall; Mike Hill; Susan James; Kate Parkes; Pam Seddon; Greville Watts – or leave a written comment at Audlem Post Office or Williams' Newsagents or email:">

If you collect a printed copy from Williams' or the Post Office, please return that copy within 48 hours for other residents to read as only forty draft copies have been printed because of limited funds. Thank you.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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