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Paralympic Archer at School

26th April 2016 @ 6:06am – by Rebecca Jewitt
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Keeping Active and Being Inspired!

We have had a special visitor in school on Friday; we welcomed Great Britain's Paralympic Archer Danielle Brown to the school. Danielle won a Gold medal at the London Paralympic Games and has been working with each class to inspire us all to pursue our dreams.

Thank you to School Parliament and Mr Perry for organising this special event which has helped us raise money for The Wingate Special Children's Trust' based at the Wingate Centre, which offers specialist residential accommodation and recreational activities for children with special needs.

Sapphire class had a wonderfully sunny outdoor learning session on Tuesday, the children had a wonderful time making different instruments. They used natural and manmade materials to make their instruments and they even managed to play them!

They also experimented with their cup telephones to find out if the length of string affected the sound. They are all looking forward to their session next week – fingers crossed the sunny weather holds for them!

We have enjoyed a wonderful St George's Day themed lunch together today. Thank you to Mrs Hayward and her team for once again cooking up a treat in the kitchen!

The children in Diamond class are taking part in an art project based on Pop Art for the Audlem Music and Arts Festival to be displayed in the Methodist Church. They are working with Christine Johnson creating their own 'masterpieces'. I am sure they will create a wonderful display for the Festival – please look out for it.

This week's Praise Book children are:
Mrs Hayward's Class – Ollie Binns
Miss Danha's Class – Lincoln Howell
Mrs Richardson's and Mr Morrey's Class – Grace Burton
Mrs Stoker's Class – Harriet Weatherstone
Mr Perry's Class – Jem Sheppard
Mrs Bird's Class – Jake Gardiner
Congratulations to you all!
Prayers to Share this week – We pray for God's help to spread his love in all of the small things
we do, with everyone we meet.
Tidy Team -The winning class this week is Ruby class – well done!
The winners of our Attendance Cup this week are Amethyst and Amber – well done!
School Dinner Menu – We will be serving week 2 menu next week

A reminder that FASA's AGM meeting will be held in school on Tuesday 17th May at 2pm please do attend if you can. FASA are seeking to appoint a Secretary at the AGM, if you are interested in this role please let the School Office know so we can let you know more.

Thank you for all of the donations you have made to our Rag Bag Bin (situated near our main school gates). If you have any old clothes, shoes or covers that you are happy to donate, please bag them up and put them into the bin.

FASA do a great job of converting these donations into money for school, which helps us to provide a wide range of curriculum enhancement opportunities for children in our school.

ABC Childcare
ABC still have some spaces for their after school clubs activities, if you would like your child to attend a club from 3:15-4:15pm, please speak to a member of the ABC team on 01270 748081.

Sunshine Protection
We have all been enjoying the wonderful sunshine together this week and hopefully we will continue to have lovely summer days this term. As the weather improves, please can you ensure your child has a sunhat or cap with them on sunny days and that they bring their water bottle to school each day to rehydrate from our water coolers throughout the day. Thank you.

New Menu
Reminder – we will be changing our lunch menu from Tuesday 3rd May – please look out for details of the new lunchtime options over the coming weeks.

Homework Survey
Thank you for all of your repsonses so far. A reminder that these surveys should be returned to
school by Friday 29th April.

Netaware – Online Safety Guidance for Parents
Netaware is a parents' guide to social networks and how to keep up to date and keep children
safe in the digital world. It has a range of information, including recommended age ranges for
use of networks and apps and is linked to the NSPCC's work on digital safety. It can be found at

Calling All Junior Bakers!
The BBC are looking for applications for children between 9 and 12 years of age to enter this year's Junior Bake off.

Applications should be submitted before midnight on Sunday 1st May for the period of 1st July 2016 – 1st September 2016. The link to download the application form is:

All Year 2 and Year 6 parents will receive a joint letter from the Nantwich Education Partnership Primary
Headteachers today outlining the current position about the new national tests in Primary Schools. This
letter will also be made available on our school website for any parents who do not have a child in Year 2
or Year 6.

R Jewitt

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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