Outline plans to build two semi-detached homes at Paddock Lane, Audlem have been turned down.
Cheshire East Council says the new building would harm the character and appearance of the open countryside and is too far away from other settlements, services and facilities.
The decision notice for refusal also stated: "The site does not constitute a small gap in an otherwise built up frontage and therefore the principle of development is unacceptable."
It added that the Local Planning Authority should work proactively with applicants to secure developments that improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area.
"Despite advice a solution has not been reached that overcomes the environmental harm identified in the reasons for refusal," adds the decision notice.
The application was to build on plot of land that lies between two existing semi-detached houses on one side and the detached Kynsal Cottage on the other.
A Design and Access statement to Cheshire East Council said the site used to contain garages and the garden area for the existing semi-detached dwellings,
The owner wanted to build two semi-detached homes on the site of the garages in a traditional brick design with a tiled roof. Four letters of objection were received by the council and one of support.
A report to Cheshire East said the key policy considerations are whether the development was located within 'an otherwise built up frontage' and whether the site represents 'a small gap'.
The roadside frontage of the site was 30 metres which the planning officer judged "cannot be considered small."
The application was determined by a planning officer under delegated powers.
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