Switched On and Ready to Sing!
Our Key Stage 2 children really got Christmas started on Thursday night with some wonderful singing at school before walking into the village for Switch on. It was wonderful to see so many happy faces and share all their hard work learning words for the songs. Thanks to Mrs Heathcock for all of her energy and enthusiasm helping the children prepare for this special event.
FASA did a wonderful job manning stalls in both our school hall and at the Buttermarket as well as guiding us all down together to meet Father Christmas at the Canal Wharf. A wonderful evening for all involved.
We were treated to more musical talents in a special showcase from some of our talented musicians in school on Wednesday afternoon.
Children who have been learning to play a variety of instruments with Mrs Shackleston performed a wonderful array of music to parents and some of the classes in school. They were very brave to perform in front of so many people and it was great that so many relatives were able to join them for this performance.
Styal Mill
Diamond class visited Styal Mill on Monday to find out more about their Victorians topic. They looked fantastic in their Victorian costumes and speaking to them and Mrs Heathcock this week they certainly learnt a lot from the experience which they are putting to good use in class.
Good luck to our Key Stage 2 athletics team who are representing our school at a Sporthall Athletics Competition this evening at Shavington High School. Mr Griffiths and Miss Johnson have been working hard with them all and I am sure they will do a great job!

FASA news
It is our Christmas Fair next Friday. Your child will have brought home a cake plate for donations today. Please send any cakes for the Fair in on Friday.
FASA would also welcome any donations of quality books or old school uniform that you are clearing out pre-Christmas, as they are planning to have a uniform sale rail and book stall at the Fair. Many thanks for your help and support with this.
Christingle Service
The Christingle Service will take place at St James' Church this Sunday at 4pm. I hope many of our families are able to attend this special service.
Sausage Week Competition Winners
We had lots of wonderful entries to the British Sausage Week colouring competition organised by Mrs Hayward, our School Cook. Congratulations to Scarlett Lawrence and Riley
Capewell who were judged as winner and runner up respectively. Scarlett's entry has
been sent off to be judged against the winners from other schools across Cheshire East.
Well done to everyone who entered.
Carols by Candlelight
I have been asked to draw your attention to a special Christmas Carol Concert taking place at St Mary's Church in Nantwich next Thursday. The concert is in aide of the NSPCC and will include songs from a signing children's choir from Liverpool and also Broad Lane Primary School choir. It begins at 7.30pm; tickets cost £4 per adult and are free for accompanied children under 16.
For more information or to book tickets please phone 01270 811833.
Nantwich Museum Christmas Events
Nantwich Museum will be holding a Christmas Family Fun Day at the Museum on Saturday 21st December 2013 between 11am and 4pm. There will be craft stalls such as card making, quizzes for all ages, a raffle, tea/coffee, mince pies AND Christmas Carols with The Wistaston Singers.
We are all very excited about our Guinness Book of Records Book signing event next Thursday! Your child will have brought a letter home about this event. Please ensure consent slips are returned to school before Wednesday at the latest so as many children as possible in Year1-6 are able to take part. I look forward to telling you all about it in next week's newsletter!
R Jewitt
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