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News from MP

29th June 2016 @ 6:06am – by Antoinette Sandbach
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Since the last Newsletter, I have:

  • Reflected on the life of Jo Cox MP and mourned her tragic and untimely death
  • Attended an open day at the NeuroMuscular Centre in Winsford
  • Got tested for diabetes at Farndon Pharmacy in Farndon
  • Visited the Cock O'Barton pub and restaurant in Malpas to congratulate the team on its expansion
  • Met with Andrew Jones MP, from the Department of Transport to raise the issue of local bus services
  • Visited Coveris, a leading manufacturer of food packaging in the UK, based in Winsford
  • Attended the Hawthorn Club Summer Reception
  • Opened the Winsford Schools Art Festival, themed 'Community Best of British'
  • Attending Energy and Climate Change Select Committee meetings
  • Hosted meetings in Westminster with businesses, charities and members of the public
  • Visited St Chad's Primary School in Winsford
  • Attended a meeting of the APPG on Rural Services

EU Referendum

The British people have spoken decisively on the topic of Britain's membership of the EU. The referendum result has divided people across the UK and has had a mixed reception in Eddisbury, delighting some and shocking others.

It is clear from viewing my mailbox over the weekend that many of my constituents have real concerns about the future. As your MP I have to try and unite both sides and we must work together to ensure the best possible outcome. We need stability and time to see how we can make this work for Eddisbury and for Britain.

NeuroMuscular Centre

It was a pleasure to attend the NeoroMuscular Centre's open day in Winsford last Friday. This excellent charity provides unique services and specialist advice to those with Muscular Dystrophy and other neuromuscular conditions. The NMC is a unique institution, with no other like it in the UK and I was extremely impressed by the warmth and the sense of community at the Centre.

Farndon Pharmacy

Continuing with the theme of healthcare in Eddisbury, I also attended Farndon Pharmacy (as it was recently Diabetes Week) where I took a voluntary diabetes test. It is believed that over 500,000 people in the UK have diabetes without knowing it and it is essential that we do all that we can to raise awareness of the disease.

Cock O'Barton

I was delighted to visit the Cock O'Barton pub and restaurant in Malpas. The Cock O'Barton has recently opened 14 new luxury guest rooms and I am sure that they will encourage more tourism to the local area. It was wonderful to meet the team, see their dedication and enthusiasm for the business and hear their exciting plans.

Winsford Schools Art Festival

On Thursday I attended the Winsford Schools Art Festival, which this year was themed; 'Community Best of British'. Creative thought is essential for young minds, and it is important that we encourage it at every opportunity.

Art, dance, drama and music were all on offer and I was extremely impressed by the performances and the art on display.

St Chad's Primary School

I was warmly welcomed by the pupils and staff at St Chad's Primary School in Winsford and I was delighted see how well the school is doing. I discussed the concerns of teachers and pupils and talked about the curriculum, the ambitions of the pupils and how the school can develop further.

Jo Cox MP

Finally, I would like to pay tribute to Jo Cox after her brutal murder on Thursday 16th of June.

Jo's death has sent shockwaves around the country and it has reminded us of how there is much to do to combat extremism and intolerance in the UK.

Although Jo and I sat on different sides of the green benches, we both were elected to Parliament in 2015 and it is hard to recall an MP with more confidence and passion for the causes she believed in.

Jo will be sorely missed in Westminster and my thoughts are with her husband and two young children at this very sad time.

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