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New Vote Poll underway

1st August 2008 @ 8:08am – by Audlem Webteam
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As Wednesday's story about the new Vote Poll on Audlem Online has already slipped off the front page of 'Latest Audlem News', a reminder that the new poll asks: "Do you agree with building the proposed wind farm south east of Audlem?" Early voting indicates opinion is very much divided.

The proposal, which involves Nuon Renewables building a Wind Power Station at Poplar Lane, Bearstone near Knighton, just over the county border in North Shropshire, has attracted both support and fierce opposition.

Some say the dream of harnessing the wind to produce 'free' environmentally friendly energy has turned into a fraudulent and heavily subsidized destruction of the countryside. Vortex, the main opposition group, says; "The landscape is literally being raped and wild-life pillaged with government collusion and false claims, whilst people's lives are being made intolerable by noise and visual pollution."

In contrast, others argue renewable energy from the wind will make a vital contribution to the fight against global warming and climate change. It's argued that wind, water, tides etc are important ways to reduce the country's dependence on polluting coal, oil, gas and nuclear power stations.

What do you think, particularly about the plans to build a wind power station within sight of parts of Audlem, such as Kinsey Heath and the cricket ground? Are you alarmed by the prospect, or is this the way forward in energy production? Cast your vote in the new Vote Poll and have your say on the Forum. Simply click on 'Yes', 'No' or 'Unsure' and then on 'Vote Now'.

The last poll asking: "Do you think it's important for Audlem to retain its own GP practice?" attracted 522 votes with 487, or 93%, saying 'Yes', a ringing endorsement for the retention of a local GP service. 5% said 'No and 2% were unsure. We suspect on the basis of the early votes, the new Vote Poll on the merits of wind power may be a little more evenly divided.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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