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New 'dioramas' to help visitors and local businesses

30th July 2006 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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'Diorama' is a new word to many but villages, towns and cities across Europe use illustrated maps of the locality to guide visitors around and show where local attractions, facilities and businesses can be found. They often employ exciting designs blending graphic art with photography or high quality illustrations.

Last year's Parish Plan suggested installing two or three in Audlem, including one on the car park, another by the canal and a third, if a suitable site can be found, near the village centre. The dioramas would show where the churches, shops, pubs, Post Office, toilets, surgery, chemist, tourist information and attractions could be found. They would help people to circulate around the village and enjoy the local attractions to the full.

Local artist Phil Johnson, who lives in the centre of the village, is now working on the dioramas which will combine an attractively painted map of the village with photographs of the main sights. The Audlem Village Traders' Association is fully involved and Judy Benson, who runs Williams' newsagents and the Tourist Information service, was able to describe to Phil the numerous questions she is asked daily about the whereabouts of facilities such as the Post Office and the canal. The finished diorama panels will be 6 feet wide and 4 feet high.

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