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The Narrow Escape out of Hell

19th January 2025 @ 6:06am – by Cy Percival
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A veil will be lifted at Audlem Probus Club’s meeting this Thursday, (23 Jan), revealing tales from an aspect of World War 2 not often heard of.

Records show that in the order of 400,000 prisoners were held in Prisoners of War camps in the UK, a number of them in Cheshire and neighbouring North West regions.

What was life like for those held in these camps, many of which were purpose-built? Our guest speaker, Graham Dodd, will shed light on how Italian and German POWs spent their time, particularly those held in local camps and hostels. His illustrated presentation will outline the system established for handling POWs.

We’ll hear how Tarporley Racecourse Camp 74 was responsible for a time for the high security Oflag 191 at Crewe Hall, with tales about how prisoners were employed at such places as Sandbach, Walgerton and Snape Farm, Weston, where one inmate, a cabinet maker by trade, had a workshop.

A fascinating, little-known topic – the latest in the series of presentations held regularly at Audlem Probus Club meetings, in Audlem Public Hall from 10am on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.

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