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Musical Mayhem coming up

28th January 2012 @ 7:07am – by Peter Morgan
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St. Luke’s Cheshire Hospice – Audlem Support Group present:

A concert of Sublime entertainment by Musical Mayhem.

An evening of musical entertainment to both delight and titillate the senses will take place at Audlem Public Hall on Saturday 11th February at 7.30 pm.

The show will include many numbers from the big hit musicals of the last two decades and will be performed by the established talents of Musical Mayhem who are steeped in the arts of music and dance.

Many of the Fosse numbers will be well known to all and those who are not averse to the charms of fishnet will not be disappointed!

Tickets are £8 and include light refreshments in the interval. Should liquid refreshment be required, you are invited to bring your own cooling beverage of choice plus a suitable receptacle from which to imbibe.

Health and safety notice:

Male members of the audience of an older persuasion should be advised to consume their blood pressure remedy before attending.

Tickets are available from all committee members or can be obtained from:

Ruth Kemble on 811887
Peter Morgan on 811575

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