There is further news on Buerton School (see story earlier today) based on a letter from the Land Registry. This is about the Cheshire County Council's registration of the school that was made in 2004. It appears it was based on two Conveyances:-
1. Dated 12th June 1922 from the Managers of Buerton School
2. Dated 27th March 1974 from J & FT McEllin limited. (It's thought this applies to the playing field)
Celia Bloor, we are told by her son Joseph Bloor, is currently trying to track down these documents through the County Records office, as the Land Registry do not keep originals and had not made copies. The originals, however, should have been returned to Cheshire County Council. A document handing over 'maintenance' of the building to the education authority in 1903 might have significance in that the buildings and grounds were specifically noted to be used for "educational purposes". What now has to be established is whether there are similar clauses or conditions contained within the two conveyances.
Joseph Bloor also informs us of plans to put together a package of information to apply for listed building status through English Heritage, for the school buildings themselves. This will most likely be based on the unique nature of the buildings, both in terms of the architecture, its history and its function as a school, and if it goes through would make any redevelopment for other functions more difficult for a prospective developer. Joseph is currently updating the school governors and Buerton Parish Council on this to see what the general consensus is and the possible actions to be followed.
He is currently trying to determine who the architects were who designed the new extension/classroom, in order to locate plans of the buildings for inclusion in the Listing application. Joseph would also welcome any other documents such as photographs/paintings of the buildings and any activities that have taken place there.
The more evidence that the building is at the heart of the community will help the listing process which will ultimately protect the buildings from redevelopment for other purposes. Depending on the outcome of the conveyancing ownership issue, it may actually mean that despite Cheshire County Council owning it (if they do) and not actually using it as a school, they would still have a responsibility to maintain the buildings in a fit state for use.
If you have any information that may be of interest, Joseph Bloor asks that you contact him, ideally with digital evidence, on">
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