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Match Report

28th February 2023 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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Match report

Sunday 26th -- and my weekly dose of BBC match of the day. To see again the surprises brought about by Saturday's games in the premiership. And we meet again the pundits giving their judgement . Ever thought of where the word "pundit" comes from . It is an Indian word and in our context it means a learned person in their field .

The awful display at Anfield when Real Madrid tore my team Liverpool apart with a 5-2 victory , will make the return leg in Spain a heavy hearted game. Shows that the European dreams for the team are now a nightmare .

The game they played against Crystal Palace on Saturday was awful . Just one good chance from a free kick , but Henderson's face got in the way of Trent Alexander's shot.

Here in Audlem.

With the demise now of the Lord Combermere -- as part of the owners Stonegate getting out of over 1000 pubs across the country, it is worth a thought on all the victualling places we had here in Audlem . And district.

We had the Phoenix pub on the site now occupied by PAU , the cycle shop. The Crown Hotel and the Lamb in Cheshire Street -- now housing. We also had a "public House" in number 9 Shropshire Street when jugs of ale were served in the front parlour a century and a half or more ago . . Plus the still operational Bridge Inn and now the reborn Shroppie Fly.

All the product of so many navvies digging the canals hereabouts .

So much changes following the covid days are seeing lots of losses in the hospitality trade. Sad , but life today is so different.

Our game of football. Poor turnout of players again with just 12 putting their name forward .

Very light frost soon dissipates. Very calm day.

Away to the George's Pitches , by Simply Best Gym in West Street, Crewe , versus Lions F C .

Referee is Kevin Crump.

Players change in fairly good rooms , but none as good as those we enjoy in our own Annexe.

Kick off at 1100.

Well. Still stuck here in my house, so no chance to be on the side line yet. In a way a good thing , for the result at full time would have been nothing good to ease my pain.

We lost. And we lost heavy.

7- 0 to the opposition. !!!

We remain rooted at the very bottom of the Prime Division . Still the aunt Sally of the division . Players will be losing heart I fear.

Due to cup games etc, we have no game on the 5Th .

Ralph Warburton

Audlem F C

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