Leading care home provider, Morris Care, operators of Corbrook Park on the edge of Audlem, is introducing massage therapy for its team as part of its ongoing commitment to providing quality care for its residents across Shropshire and Cheshire.
Its team of ten social life co-ordinators have been trained by leading massage therapist and instructor Helen Prosper from East Sussex, who has over 25 years' experience in therapeutic massage for the elderly.
The course focused on sensitive hand and forearm massage, to promote the importance and the need for touch in human physiology and how it can be implemented appropriately and sensitively in the healthcare sector to support recovery and reassure, amongst the elderly.
Morris Care will perform these massages to residents on a one-to-one basis as part of providing social activities that all residents can enjoy, where they can have some one-to-one quality time with their social
life coordinators.
Alison Hearle, Group Social Life Co-ordinator said: "Ensuring staff are trained and up to date on the latest industry findings and innovations is vital, and this type of person-centred training benefits both residents
and their social life co-ordinators.
"With touch being the first sense developed, it is clear to see how and why it has such an impact on our lives and the interactions we share with others. Therapeutic massage is well known for relieving tension in the body and can also improve and enhance the resident's quality of life. It also provides a medium through which we can effectively communicate and connect with our residents at an emotional level."
Morris Care is committed to staff training and as a leading dementia care provider, regularly look at ways in which they can contribute to the lives of those living with dementia. The massage training continues
to upskill Morris Care's social life co-ordinators to offer another patient-centred care approach and soft comforting skills to support residents across their seven care homes.
As part of their strategy, this training will further support the company as it works towards achieving the Gold Standard Framework (GSF) and high standard of care for those nearing the end of life.
The photo shows Alison Hearle, Group Social Life Coordinator With Three Social Life Coordinators and Helen Prosper, Massage Instructor
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