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Mass cycle ride to go through Audlem this month

4th March 2007 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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'kilotogo', the organisers of long-distance mass cycle rides, have contacted Audlem Online to remind everyone, including local businesses, that it's nearly time for the first Cheshire Cat sportive on 25th March – this could bring hundreds of cyclists to Audlem, which is one of the three checkpoint and feed-stations on the route.

Their message says: "An old saying for the month of March says "In like a lion, out like a lamb" meaning if the weather at beginning of March is violent, then the end of March will be settled and pleasant. Well it was, so lets hope it is! It's just 3 weeks until one of the first big sportive rides of the year, namely the Cheshire Cat sportive on the 25th March. If you're still thinking about riding there is still a bit of time and capacity to enter."

"There are two route options and both are fully way-marked – transponder timing – large HQ facilities – three checkpoint and feed-stations – technical support on the road – all hallmarks of kilotogo sportives. Details can be found at

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