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Local LINk meeting

31st May 2009 @ 7:07am – by Celia Bloor
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Cheshire East Local Involvement Network (LINk) has a membership event on Monday 8th June in Nantwich in the Civic Hall. These membership events are a chance for LINk members and participants to identify their priorities for the LINk.

There will be an afternoon session and an evening session. The afternoon will feature a presentation from North West Ambulance Service, and the evening will feature a presentation from Sue Pickup, Public and Patient Involvement Manager at Mid-Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The presentations will be followed by workshops for participants to discuss the issues and concerns that they think the LINk should be looking during the next year.

The venue: Nantwich Civic Hall:

  • Afternoon session, 1pm – 3pm, featuring a presentation from North West Ambulance Service
  • Evening Session, 6pm -8pm, featuring a presentation from Sue Pickup, Mid-Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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