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Kula Hula is in Audlem

3rd December 2018 @ 6:06am – by Claire
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Hula Hoop classes

A weekly Hula Hoop class on Fridays at 9.30am at the Scout and Guide Hall.

The benefits of this fun filled form of exercise are endless .....

Complete Core Workout

  • Whittles your waist
  • Strengthens your tummy muscles

Fully Body Workout

  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Core
  • Shoulders

Makes You Feel The Burn

  • Helps to burn calories .... moving about increases the heart rate.

Good For Your Heart

  • Anyone who picks up a hoop will notice that their heart rate increases.

Improves Your Spine's Strength & Flexibility

  • Hooping requires a significant range of motion for your spine.

Improve Hand-Eye Co-ordination & Motor Skills.

  • Requires hand-eye co-ordination & challenges the brain as well as your muscles.
  • Hooping in your natural direction & reverse direction is an excellent opportunity for your brain to engage both your dominant & non dominant side while guaranteeing your body balance.

One of my missions is to share my love for hula with as many people as possible.

I will teach you the fundamentals of how to waist hoop and a variety of different tricks to ensure you are working on other muscles groups and achieve different moves.

Cost is £5 per person – Booking is essential
To secure your space/hoop, email

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