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Janiceís walk to raise money a great success

28th June 2007 @ 1:01pm – by Audlem Webteam
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And another story about fund-raising for St Luke's (see below). Regular readers will recall that Janice Spibey, who works in the Salad Bowl, was taking part again this year in the Midnight Walk to raise money for St Luke's Hospice. The walk is a half Marathon of 13.1 miles and Janice trained regularly for the event which took place on Saturday 16th June. It has become a hugely successful fundraiser and this year's was the third annual Midnight Walk. Last year's raised a total of £170,000.

Janice has told Audlem Online that with the counting and collection of sponsorship money nearly complete, she has raised in the region of £1,400. With the benefit of Gift Aid, this sum will become even higher. This means that Janice has managed to surpass last year's amazing effort when she raised a wonderful £1,355.10. Janice, who completed the walk in 3 hours 15 minutes, says she is enormously grateful to everyone for their support and encouragement.

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