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It's a Wrap

29th July 2021 @ 6:06am – by Lucy Davenport
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audlem theatre company

What a show!!!

Audlem Theatre Company stepped up to the challenge of casting, rehearsing and performing a musical after just 24 hours this weekend. And now after recovering from the experience and lack of sleep, it's time to reflect on the amazing time that everyone had.

The cast and crew arrived at the public hall at 7pm Friday 23rd July to find out they were going to be performing a spoof version of Spamalot aptly titled Spamalittle. After recovering from shock and excitement it was straight to work as they were on a very strict schedule with a lot to do in just 24 hours.

The director Sarah Shillito had been making plans for the musical in the weeks leading up to main event along side the production team made up of:
Katherine Black (Musical Director),
James Hope (Sound & Lighting Technician), Alan Duncan (Front of House Manager)
Joe Young (Technical Assistant).

With the title revealed the hard work of set building, costume making, and rehearsing began. As the hours ticked by, slowly but surely piece by piece the show began to take shape and reality sunk in: the audience would be joining us in just a few hours time. The cast and crew of helpers worked tirelessly throughout the 24 hours to ensure the show was the best it could be.

Fast forward to 7pm Saturday 24th July and audience members began to arrive with no clue about what they were about the watch. At 7:30pm the curtains opened and show began and what a show it was, the audience participated throughout which took the show to the next level. It was a fantastic experience for those on and off the stage! I don't think any of the audience actually believed it had been put together in just 24 hours!

Below are some of the messages ATC after the show...

What a wonderful show – well done to you and the crew – we had a fab time, we're now sat outside having a few drinkies and talking about what a great time we had, enjoy your party – you all earned it – Machin

Thanks for a great Show last night, well done to you all. Brilliant! – Anderson

Well done all on the performance of Spamalittle. What a terrific night. Hilarious and yet so well done considering it was just 24 hours. Incredible hard work from all.
A brilliant night out. Thank you all! – Knox

To receive messages and reviews like this from audience members makes it all worth while and to receive a standing ovation topped the evening off nicely!

ATC have some huge "Thank you's" to make...

The Directors: Sarah and Katherine who have worked tirelessly and strategically to ensure the show was ready to be performed in time.

The Cast: Both returning and new members because without you we wouldn't have had a show.

The Back Stage Crew: all of those that came along to help behind the scenes from preparing costumes to building castle turrets the show couldn't have gone on without you.

Audlem Public Hall and Annexe: For allowing us to hire the spaces for a continuous period of time.

And finally to our audience who came along and supported us even though they had no idea what they were about the watch!

If ATC can perform this kind of show after just 24 hours imagine what the future holds!!!

Keeping yours eyes peeled for the future shows!!! Image

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