Those in the village centre on Saturday may have noticed an unusual and exceptionally well groomed military presence. The officers from a number of Army regiments were in Audlem for a very special occasion – the wedding of Major Robert PD Johnson and Faye Zebedee.
We don't often publish wedding photographs on Audlem Online but we are sure all will agree that the Honour Guard as the bride and groom leave St James' church as man and wife is rather special.
There may have been snow on the ground but the sun shone brightly for the couple and Robert's army colleagues with their swords glinting in the bright sunshine.
You can click on the photo to enlarge it.
Robert is the son of well-known local residents Phil and Christine Johnson. The St James' bell ringers had to perform without Christine's usual assistance while she was also unable, as chair of ARS, to accompany the Audlem Ramblers Society walkers on their expedition that morning because, as she put it, "she was otherwise engaged."
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