The Audlem District History Society meeting programme is going up on the list of Audlem Events. However, some may like to see the programme in full, as below.
Non-members are welcome at all meetings at £3. Refreshments included. Meeting, unless otherwise stated are at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start in Audlem Scout & Guide Hall.
History Society programme 2015
- Thursday January 15th: Magna Carta and All That – Roger Wickson
- Thursday February 19th: The Geological Evolution of Cheshire – Professor Peter Styles
- Thursday March 19th: Food and Farming in South Cheshire around the time of WW1 – Bill Pearson
- Thursday April 16th: Recent Archaeology around Nantwich – Malcolm Reid
- Thursday May 21st: Historic Events at Barthomley – Rev. Canon Darrel Speedy
- Friday June 12th – time tbc: Car Outing to Barthomley Church and Englesea Brook
- Saturday July 4th at 10.30am: Coffee Morning – Memories of Schooldays
- Thursday September 17th: Local Railways during WW1and 2 – Jeremy Nicholls
- Thursday October 15th: The History of Wistaston- John White
- Thursday November 19th: AGM. Speaker: Finding Jesus – Rev. Jennifer Matthews
- December: Christmas Lunch. To be confirmed.
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