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History Society visit Chester Record Office

27th March 2007 @ 1:01pm – by Audlem Webteam
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Celia Bloor writes to say: "A group of members enjoyed a private tour round Chester Record Office on

Monday morning when it is closed to the public. The system for accessing

the village's records was explained. A display of maps and documents from

Audlem, Buerton and Hankelow was put out dating back to 1557 which could be

used for research."

"Material of all types is valuable, a recent acquisition being the records of the 'New World' gas cooker manufacturer including recipe books. One of the many strong rooms was visited which gave an impression of the immense amount of storage required. In fact documents which are not needed in a hurry are kept deep underground at constant temperature in the salt mines at Winsford."

"The work of the conservation department was demonstrated and we were surprised to hear that parchment could still be obtained and is still used for some Parliamentary documents. Some horrific examples of damage caused by damp and vermin were seen."

"The patience and dexterity needed for such work was much admired and questions

about storing items at home were answered. Acid free materials can be

purchased and iron paper-clips, pins or staples should be removed. Valuable

items should be kept away from newspaper as it is very acid and sellotape

and most glues avoided."

"The History Society Committee has now started filling a four drawer filing cabinet and two cupboards with their store of material about the village which had to be moved during the refurbishment of the Scout and Guide Hall. Any member can borrow this material (photocopies, not originals) at meetings. A new list of the contents will be issued shortly but Hankelow's new website is going to display some of their local items. We need a Buerton web site as well!"

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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