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A Heart-warming story..

18th January 2012 @ 10:10am – by a Medical Correspondent
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After watching the Vinnie Jones video clip (click on the link below the picture) and after some not too gentle persuasion from number one daughter (who visits Audlem Online regularly) Himself accompanied me to the HeartStart course held in the Public Hall on Tuesday evening.

What an interesting evening with potentially life-saving information and techniques delivered in a friendly, even light-hearted, way.  We know so much more now and I hope will feel more confident should the unfortunate need ever arise to put our newly learned skills into real action.

Running through the symptoms of a heart attack was not my favourite part, being a hypochondriac, and himself was just a bit worried about the severe bleeding bit of film as he has been known to keel over at the gory bits of 'Casualty'.  Still plenty of us were there to practise on a real patient had he done so. 

Seriously it was a very good short course which gave a useful grounding in life saving (hopefully) skills.  Well prepared and enough trainers and First Responders there to help teach the techniques.  Never has lying around on the Public Hall floor been so useful. 

These courses in the village are free, and heartfelt (sorry about that – no more awful puns!) thanks must go to all the people who give their time to run them and also to Audlem Parish Council whose grant has paid for the hire of premises for the first three sessions.

You do need to book a place by sending an email to" target="_blank"> or by telephoning Debbie Ruscoe-Icke on 01270 812339. The next of these courses is in the Methodist Chapel meeting room on Saturday 28th January at 10am.

It's well worth the time spent going on one of these courses – you may save a life!

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