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Green Lane field Success

5th June 2018 @ 6:06am – by Audlem Parish Council
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Green Lane Field bid success!

Audlem Parish Council is delighted to report that it was notified yesterday that its bid for the field at the top end of Green Lane has been successful, subject to contract.

Two Extraordinary Meetings of the Parish Council were held and a Community Survey carried out last month to gauge the views of residents of bidding for the field and to explain the financial implications of doing so. At the meetings Councillors Heather Jones and Geoff Seddon explained the ramifications of the purchase on the Parish Council element of the Council Tax, which would have to increase by approximately £12 per year for a Band D property and approximately £24 for a Band H property for a 40-year loan. Residents were told that the Parish Council would investigate developing a 'green' car park at the Shropshire Street end of the field with a pedestrian access point near the canal bridge. This would give easy access to the shops and help relieve the parking problems in the village. Other options for future use were also discussed.

The clear feeling that came through was that a bid should be submitted to try and purchase the field so that it would remain community green space and be protected from development in the future. Any other use would be a bonus.

A loan from the Public Works Loan Board, which will enable the purchase of the field, has been approved by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. The Parish Council and their advisors will now work with the vendor's representatives to draw up the contract. Further, more detailed, information will be available in due course.

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